The 5 Best Budget Acoustic Guitars For Beginners

The 5 Best Budget Acoustic Guitars For Beginners

Want to buy a great guitar on a budget? Here are the 5 best budget acoustic guitars for beginners!

5 Ways to Practice Guitar Without a Guitar Today

5 Ways to Practice Guitar Without a Guitar Today

Who needs a guitar to practice? This post is all about how to practice effectively without your instrument, using only the power of your mind.

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The Guitar Fretboard Explained

The Guitar Fretboard Explained

Having trouble learning the notes on the guitar? Here you'll find an explanation of the guitar fretboard that's easy and effective, as well as tips for memorizing the notes on the neck.

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8 Ways To Play The Bb Chord On Guitar (B Flat)

8 Ways To Play The Bb Chord On Guitar (B Flat)

The Bb chord on guitar is important to know. It's a major-type chord consisting of the notes Bb, D, and F. If you're a guitarist, you're bound to come across it every so often. Also be aware that if you're looking to play A#, it's actually the exact same chord but with a different name.

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How To Play The C# Minor Chord On Guitar | 6 Ways

How To Play The C# Minor Chord On Guitar | 6 Ways

Every so often, you're bound to run into a C# minor (C#m) chord on guitar. And as you might guess, this chord is a bit trickier than C, E, D, G, or A. Fortunately, you get some choices in how you fret C#m. You can make it easy, you can make it hard, or you can go somewhere in between.

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Does Learning Guitar Get Easier?

Does Learning Guitar Get Easier?

Learning guitar can be discouraging and frustrating. Many beginners who think guitar will be a walk in the park are stunned by how difficult the instrument really is. Which begs the question, does learning guitar ever get easier?

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Is Fingerstyle Guitar Hard? What You Need to Know

Is Fingerstyle Guitar Hard? What You Need to Know

Fingerstyle guitar has a reputation for being hard compared to other guitar styles. But is that actually true? The short answer is yes, fingerstyle is kind of hard. But don't worry! It's definitely not so hard that you can't learn it with a good method.

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